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Federal Court Judge Approves Use of Spinex International In Court

Ruling is the First of its Kind in the Nation

A U.S. District Court Judge (Honolulu, HI) recently ruled that test results from the Spinex International, a medical device used to evaluate spine function, are admissible as scientific evidence in court for all back and neck injuries. After sworn testimonies by local orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Robert Smith, and physical therapist, Florian Flores, the judge ruled that:

"...this testing is sufficiently scientifically reliable to a legal standard such that it is admissible and reliable..."

The judge stated that the Spinex International was widely accepted in the medical community, was well published in peer-reviewed journals, had a very high degree of accuracy, and had very strict qualifying standards for those involved in Spinex International testing and interpretation.

The ruling is the first in the nation to specifically address the merits of the Spinex International and formally establish its legal standing. The effect of this ruling on workers' compensation, personal injury (auto accidents, etc.) and disability and impairment ratings is highly significant. The legal admissibility of this accurate, objective, reproducible test will greatly facilitate and accelerate the resolution of claims for injuries to the neck and back. These claims are known to incur excessive medical and legal expenses due to the inherent difficulty of evaluating the complexities of the spine. The use of the Spinex International will help reduce these costs by allowing physicians to accurately determine the treatment requirements for the patient.

The Spinex International has been in use in the United States since 1988 (FDA 510 K approval in 1987). The Department of Health of the City and County of Honolulu established the first Spinex International unit in 1992, followed by CHART, a physical rehabilitation and testing center, in 1993. In Hawaii, the Spinex International has been used successfully by a wide variety of healthcare professionals, legal practitioners, and insurance companies to manage claims related to neck and back injuries.

United States District Court for the District of Hawaii, Civil No. 94-00760BMK; Civil No.95-OOS4OBMK.



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