
Improving Clinical Management

Spinoscopy provides a quantitative evaluation of the biomechanics of the spine. This objective, relevant data reduces the uncertainty of relying upon pain and other subjective measures to diagnose and treat back pain.

The Spinex International's information helps the clinician differentiate which complaints and impairments are clinically significant and determine physiologic and/or gross functional loss.

In situations where clinical discordance is present, Spinoscopy has been demonstrated to improve diagnostic certainty up to three-fold over that of the clinical examination alone.

When incorporated into the clinical examination, Spinoscopy helps answer these questions:

bulletIs there a spinal impairment?
bulletDoes the impairment correspond to the complaints?
bulletDoes the impairment have functional consequences?
bulletWhat are the functional limits?
bulletWhat tasks can be performed safely?
bulletWhat treatment, if any, is indicated?
bulletIs the treatment effective?
bulletWhat are the specific return-to-work restrictions?
bulletDoes the impairment result in disability? What is the level or rating? Is it permanent?


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Formerly www.spinex.com